Monday, September 22, 2008

Wecome to "Wilson Foundation Academy"

Surf the web! See what your young scientists are doing inside the classroom. Keep abreast with homework assignments, projects, and laboratory activities.

We have started our sixth marking period on May 11, 2009. We will continue practicing the basic scientific skills needed to succeed in science. All lessons and projects are aligned with the school curriculum and directly conform to the New York State standards.

Class News
Students will complete quizzes, journal writings, unit tests, projects, laboratory activities, stations/centers and team work for assessment. This marking period we will be learning about Earth Materials and Processes (Earth Science). Students will bring their textbooks home to complete assignments. As the year progresses, we will continue to reinforce classroom procedures, expectations, consequences, and rewards.

Scientific Inquiry
Scientific inquiry is classroom instruction directly based on New York State Standards. In which students foster their own learning using critical thinking skills, posed questions, seek answers. and develop solutions. Students will work primarily in a group setting gaining a sense of interconnectedness, social interaction, and develop leadership skills. This process will include centers/stations for students to participate.

Science Stars Program
(Hosted by the University of Rochester Warner School of Education)
The science stars program has ended. The students had a great time presenting their findings on energy. The girls enjoyed the program.

Science 7 Honors & - Science 7 General Ed Classes - We have completed all six (6) textbooks for the school year, " Topics includes: Weathering & Erosion, Weather, The Earth's Crust & Composition, Minerals, Rocks, Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Plate Tectonics and Earth's Energy and Mineral Resources, Heating & Cooling, Newton's Law of Motion, Simple Machines and Work.

This Week's Highlights!
Week of June 8th - June 12th (Science 7 )

  • Bellwork/EQ/Do Now/Video Notes
  • Review Stations/Centers/Lectures
  • Human Body Systems/Chemistry
  • Simple Machine Project/Research
  • Worksheets, PowerPoint, Activities, labs, quizzes, projects, and Journals.

Homework Assignments for this week (Science 7 Honors & Regular):

  • Complete all missing class assignments!!!
  • Homework packets due 6/8/09
  • Complete Physical Science projects due June 5, 2009)

Reminders to Students!

  • Complete all assignments on time! (you are responsible!)
  • Be prepared for class!

Reminders to Parents!

  • Continue to check with your child about his or her assignments
  • Thanks for your continued support

Upcoming Events! Final Examination June 2009

  • Green School Club meetings immediately after school on Mondays!
  • Study Sessions for science final exams after school (June 3, 5, 10, 12)

Thank You Students!

  • All students, (Morehouse, Vassar, Harvard, and Columbia) For being so motivated, enthusiastic and helpful in class. Excellent job on your projects!!!

Thank you all for being such wonderful students! Continue to work hard and be respectful!!!

Note To Parents: Below you will find detailed information concerning course syllabus, grading system, assignment policies, classroom rules with contract, etc.

7th Grade Science Course Syllabus
Wilson Magnet High School Foundation Academy

Phone: (585) 463-4100 Ext. 2250 E-mail:
Course Description:
Scientific Measurements/Scientific Inquiry / Method
Animal Diversity
The human Body systems
Sources and Forms of Energy
Simple Machines/Heating/Cooling
Law of Conservation of Energy

7th Grade Science Honors Course Syllabus
Course Description:
Scientific Measurements/Scientific Inquiry / Method
Plate Tectonics/Fossils
Weathering & Erosion
Volcanoes/Earthquakes/Plate Tectonics
Water Cycle/Atmosphere/Weather
Motion Forces & Energy
Newton’s Laws
Sources and Forms of Energy
Simple Machines/Heating/Cooling
Atoms/Periodic Table/Physical & Chemical Changes
Density/Mass/Volume/Acids & Bases

Grading Scale & Grading
Grades are based on points earned and converted to a percentage. These are the minimum scores for each letter grade.

A+ 95-100 Class work: 10%
A 90-94 Homework: 10%
B+ 85-89 Quizzes: 10%
B 80-84 Lab: 20%
C+ 75-79 Tests: 20%
C 70-74 Projects: 10%
D 65-69 Journal: 15%
F 0-64 Participation & Behavior: 5%

Homework & Classwork Policy
· Homework will be assigned daily.
· There will be a quiz after each topic is covered!
· ALL homework must be turned in to keep your overall Quiz score.
· On time and completed work will be recorded as full credit for the assignment.
· On time and incomplete work will be recorded as half credit for the assignment.
· Completed late work will be recorded as half credit for the assignment.
· The Assignment will be posted in the classroom including extra copies in the bin to help keep track of assignments.
· Extended absences must be arranged ahead of time and all work will be due by the end of the first week back.
· Extra Credit will be accepted at any point except the last week of the grading period.

Class Materials: (Write your name on everything you bring to class!)
Note: Students will learn to assume some responsibility for their learning!
3-Ring Binder with lined paper
Metric Ruler, Pens, Pencils

Detention Policy:
Detentions will be served either after school or during your lunch in the classroom for 10 to 15 minutes on the day specified. Parents will be notified prior to after school detention. Students will receive information concerning the detention.
Please see me about your detention!
· Missing one detention will earn two detentions.
· Missing two detentions will earn a call home regarding the missed detentions.
· Missing detention after call home will get a referral

Policy for Completing Assignments:

Homework, Class work, Labs, and quizzes must be completed and turned in to Ms. Lawrence on the due dates in order to avoid the following penalties:

· For any work that is turned in late, 1 point is deducted for each day late (for a total maximum of 3 days = 3 points)

· An automatic 54.9% is given to any work turned in after 4 days from due date

· No work will be accepted after 10 days from the due date


1. A student with a note from parents stating a reason for absence (Ms. Lawrence will call home to confirm)

2. A student returning from ISS or out-of-school suspension

Assignments and Points System for Science 7 School Year 2008 - 2009

35% Assignments 50% Testing & Labs 15% Other
10% - Classwork 30% - Quizzes & Tests 10% - Projects & Presentations
10% - Homework 20% - Lab Work 5% - Participation & Behavior
15% - Journals

Classwork & Activities – 10%
1. Series of in-class assignments & completion assignments

Homework – 10%
1. Series of take home assignments and completion assignments

Projects & Presentation– 10%
1. Textbook Project
– Some class time to work on projects
2. Projects (to be announced)

Quizzes & Tests – 30%
1. Quizzes will be on Fridays and cover smaller portions of the unit
2. One sheet of notes will be allowed for each quiz occasionally
3. Unit Quiz will cover information from the entire unit
4. Closed Notes & Closed Book format

Lab Work –20%
1. Includes any labs or individual or group activities involving critical thinking & hands-on experiences

Behavior & Participation – 5%
1. Class Point system will still apply
2. Students will be assigned to Teams (color) starting out with a set number of points
3. Top class over all classes earn gifts at the end of the month
4. Individual certificate rewards will be given weekly every other Friday/Monday
5. Students can earn back points towards team for improved behavior
6. Students with names on the board / given referral / warned repeatedly will lose a behavior point for the day
7. Late students will also lose points for their teams and also individually

Journal Writing – 15%
1. Journal writing will be assigned at the beginning, during, at the end of class or as a homework assignment
2. Journal writings will be turned in as instructed
3. Folders will be assigned to student by teacher

Essential Question / Do Now / Bellwork – Extra Credit
1. First few minutes of class will be dedicated for a “E. Q or Do Now” assignments
2. Write your answer on the Form provided and turn in on time for a grade

Classroom Management Plan for Room 225
Classroom Rules

1. Be a Prepared to Learner
2. Be Motivated (Effort equals motivation)
3. Respect Others
4. Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before talking
5. No personal grooming during class time

If You Choose to Break a Rule
First Time: Verbal warning
Second Time: Nonverbal reminder / Writing Consequence
Third Time: Call home talk to student then parent
Fourth Time: Lunch or After School Detention
Fifth Time: Written referral and student sent to the office
Severe Disruption: Student sent immediately to the office

Praise (daily)
Points towards group / Points cash-in (weekly)
Positive notes home (weekly)
Certificate of Merit (monthly)
Field trips and other community-based experiences

STUDENTS: I have read this classroom management plan and understand it. I will honor it while in room 225.

Signature____________________________________ Date_________________

PARENTS: My child has discussed the classroom management plan with me. I understand it and will support it.

Signature____________________________________ Date_________________

TEACHER: I will be fair and consistent in administering the management plan for all students in room 225.


Thank you